How a Trip to the Wound Care Specialist Could Change Your Life

You might think that infected wound will heal naturally and leave you in peace without having to visit a wound care specialist; however, there can be a bit of a twist to this situation. Have you heard of severe chronic venous ulceration?

A case of chronic venous ulceration

Chronic Venous Ulceration occurs when someone has abnormal or damaged veins causing blood clots, poor circulation, and irritated, achy, irritated open wounds on the skin.

There is a special case that involves an 80-year-old woman who had first developed it in her late 20s. Over 10 episodes of ulceration have occurred, each one taking more time to heal.

The most recent ulcer exists for 7 years with few signs of healing. The intervals between infections have become shorter and the chronic oedema has become harder to control.

The condition may not have worsened if an intervention was conducted early on. In fact, visiting a wound care specialist might have prevented this from happening at all.

Assessment of the patient’s condition

She was brought to a community ulcer clinic to assess her worsening condition. Experts were able to evaluate the resting ankle brachial pressure index of the patient.

She received a full blood screening that revealed an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate due to a chronic infection and reduced hemoglobin of 10g.

The patient complained of weight loss and fatigue. Her skin showed evidence of dryness and flaking. She was later referred to a vascular assessment by a general practitioner after knowing her long history of unhealed ulceration.

A Duplex ultrasonography revealed that she has an incompetent long saphenous vein at the sapheno-femoral junction on both limbs.

At the same time, her susceptibility to leg ulceration was due to the venous stasis and oedema as a consequence to loss of function of the valves. No surgery was undertaken because of her fixed ankle, poor wound healing, and overall condition.

Outcome of the treatment program

Several procedures were employed to determine the factors delaying the healing and to try to fix them:

  • Management of diarrhea
  • Anemia and poor nutrition
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Reduced mobility
  • Pain and oedema

Once her ulcer finally cleared, she experienced a significant lifestyle improvement. Although mobility is still limited, she is now able to happily socialize. Unfortunately, she is still at great risk of recurring ulceration due to the severity of her case.

Overall, there was evidence of poor practice based on the case history. In fact, this resulted in the extended duration of healing of the patient. Proper care in the beginning can dramatically improve the outcome in patients with chronic venous ulceration.

Advantages of hiring a wound care specialist

An infected wound is not only uncomfortable but can also become dangerous. Infections can move rapidly throughout the body and result to severe complications if not treated.

  • Wound care specialist’s are experts at providing comfortable, outpatient wound care meeting your unique physical needs.
  • They use wound care treatments that standard doctors are not qualified or trained in. Getting help from a wound care specialist maximizes your chances of long-term healing.
  • They can treat all kinds of wounds and know exactly how to respond to your own wound efficiently to ensure your overall health.

Wound care specialists provide wound healing as a main specialty. If you have a similar condition or suspect a pattern leading to chronic venous ulceration, you should seek help as soon as possible.

Click here to be visit our contact page and set up an appointment today!

What your Wound Clinic is doing to Protect Public Health and Safety

While people are trying to stay indoors and help slow the spread, healthcare providers are remaining vigilant with patients visiting a wound clinic.

There are new guidelines in place now, to help keep everyone safe while addressing health concerns outside the realm of COVID-19.

Basics of implementing preventive measures

Proper infection control has already been in place with the implementation of hand hygiene, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and techniques used in cleaning and disinfecting.

In fact, wound clinics have been practicing these principles throughout the years.

Protecting the clinical environment

Health facilities have adopted stringent processes for cleaning the areas frequented by patients. Clinic staff carry out this routine manner between each patient’s visit.

Sufficient supplies of PPE and disinfectants are being kept on site due to increasing demand in some facilities. Clinics encourage patients to stay home if they feel ill and only come in if they are in need of immediate care.

Protecting the patients

Healthcare facilities are screening patients upon entry to prevent the spread of the dreaded disease. Most facilities make it a point to reschedule patient appointments if too many overlap in a day.

If wound clinic patients cannot wait to be examined after 6-8 weeks, a appointments may be rearranged to reduce the exposure of other patients.

Protecting healthcare workers

Transmission of Covid-19 can be prevented with proper hygiene and PPE, just as dealing with any other virus or bacteria. It is necessary for healthcare providers to take care of their own well-being regarding these practices too.

Therefore, it is also important to eat healthy, get plenty of rest, and stay hydrated. Practicing proper self-care is key to deal with the challenges brought about by the pandemic.

Proper information dissemination 

Clinic workers must be aware that they have a role of educating patients and the public to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. This can be done via social media, as long as the context is clear.

Patients often look up to healthcare personnel to pass information and communicate with them properly. Thus, patients are directed to reputable sources of information via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

A wound clinic patient deserves to get the right information particularly in the time of the pandemic. This is one way for the public to stay abreast of the latest local or global updates.


Healthcare providers must be able to provide information to those who frequent the wound clinic.

With that said, a lot of healthcare facilities are already doing information campaigns to reach out to people so they may be aware on the proper conduct during the new normal.

If you have any questions on how we are proving care and safety to our patients, contact us here

Is Your Wound Healing Going Smoothly, Or Is It Time to Visit the Specialist?

There are different signs that a wound is healing or not. If in case, your wound is not getting any better, it is best that you consult a wound healing specialist to handle the job.

Signs that your wound is not healing

  • A pus is draining from the wound – When you see a clear fluid coming out of the wound at the beginning of the healing process, it is considered normal. However, when you notice a thick discharge, particularly thick, yellowish liquid, then the wound must be infected.
  • Warmth or redness around the wound that is significantly spreading – When healing starts, wounds typically become swollen or slightly reddish. Poor healing is when the swelling and redness, accompanied by pain, are getting worse.
  • Foul odor – When a dead tissue is present, it will produce a strange or unpleasant smell indicating necrosis.
  • Increased feeling of pain – Some wounds get worse contrary to most wounds that can only remain painful at the beginning of healing. If you see a wound shows a lack of relief for many days, it only indicates a non-healing wound.
  • Fever is prolonged – A serious complication may have resulted from the wound if a fever reaches more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit, lasting over 4 hours.

Signs that your wound is healing

There wound may undergo several stages of healing. Thus, small cuts and scrapes would heal faster compared to larger wounds like burns, surgical wounds, and ulcers. You may want to look at the following signs that the wound is getting better.

Formation of scab

The three most common stages of wound healing involve bleeding, clotting, and scab formation. This involves cuts, punctures, and scrapes. If you notice that there is no signs of scab formation, you must seek medical attention immediately.

Initial swelling

When there is swelling, it means that your immune system is working to repair your wound. You may also notice that a clear fluid will come out from the wound, which aids in the cleaning and disinfection of the damaged skin.

Growth of new tissue

When the swelling subsides, new tissue will begin to form. When the new skin forms over the wound, it means that the wound is shrinking.

Formation of scar

The final stage of the healing process will be the formation of the scar. This may result from deeper cuts, scrapes, and burns. This time, the initial scab will be replaced by a scar, where you will notice a new skin will feel tougher and less elastic.

There are different wound types that may need different methods of treatment. If you notice that wound healingis so slow or reversing itself, then it indicates that the method used is improper.

Thus, it will require the use of certain wound care products. Knowing how to determine the positive and negative signs of wound healing is key to help ensure that your wounds are healing properly.

It is advisable that you employ proper medical attention when your wound would last more than a few days or so.

Wondering if your wound is healing right? Look into the different kinds of wounds we treat by clicking here, and see if we have the kind of services you need!

Qualities You Want in Your Wound Specialist

There are different types of wounds that need proper medical attention. Each type needs to be given specific medical attention that any qualified wound specialist should know.

Different types of wound

Since wounds can happen many different ways, there are also various types of wounds that require special treatment.

  • Incised wound – This is the type of wound that causes a cut by a sharp edge in a clean, straight direction. This tends to bleed heavily because of the blood vessels cut across.
  • Laceration – A crushing and tearing force causes laceration, which looks messy due to damage to surrounding tissues.
  • Abrasion – A scraping force or friction sometimes cause abrasion. Falling on loose ground is the common reason.
  • Puncture – A sharp, stabbing object can cause a deep wound called a puncture damaging deep tissues.
  • Avulsion – A tearing force causes avulsion in which a tissue is torn away from the normal position.
  • Amputation – Losing a distinct body part, such as a limb, finger, ear, or toe often severe with profuse bleeding causes amputation.

But how are you able to entrust your wounds to a stranger? Do you want your wound to get better or worse? Here are a few different qualities that you would want your wound specialist to possess.

A Qualified Wound Specialist Checklist:

Ability to work independently

Your candidate for the job must be able to treat your wound without anybody to assist him or her. Even so, he or she can work independently without others to be on his or her aid.

Lifelong love for learning

You should know that wound specialistsare constantly learning new ways, skills, and treatments for wound care. One must be committed to learn in this specialty to keep abreast of latest developments in wound care management.

Ability to make decisions

Making decisions in crucial for wound specialists because they constantly assess, reassess, and make decisions regarding which products to use, when to consult someone, and when to change the treatment plan.

Acceptance of the fact

Although the wound specialist has already given his or her best effort, there are patients that are still hesitant to follow the advice of professionals. In this case, it is the job of the wound specialist to accept that people are free to make choices even when it becomes counterintuitive to the treatment goal.

A good wound specialist will never give up, but rather accept that he or she can only do what to do and the rest is up to the patient to comply.

Every Wound Specialist Should Have the Tenacity to overcome challenges

Some conditions may be chronic that will need the ability of the wound specialist to see the big picture. Since some wounds take months to heal, the treatment plan may be subject to a lot of changes.

Therefore, good wound specialist must be able to do whatever it takes to help patients achieve wellness by doing any means necessary.

These qualities of a good wound specialist need to be among the characteristics that you would like to find.

Looking for a wound specialist in the San Diego area? Click here to receive more information on our services and appointments!

Chronic Wound Assessment and Treatment

Chronic wounds are those that did not heal within the expected time frame. Chronic wounds are also known as non-healing wounds affecting many the worldwide population.

Due to failure to complete wound healing, chronic wounds can greatly impact the quality of life because of anxiety, depression, financial burden, and social isolation.

The prevalence of chronic wounds worldwide led to the development of d treatment, extensive knowledge, and approach of wound healing for health care providers and wound care specialists to accurately treat and manage chronic wounds.

The below information aims to provide appropriate chronic wound care information to help assess and treat patients with chronic wounds.

Assessment of the patient’s general physical appearance

First is to conduct a thorough physical examination on the patient including the patient’s height, skin quality, and weight. Weight and height are factors to help primary care providers come up with appropriate nutritional management as nutrition is vital in the wound healing process.

Second is to check the skin color and see signs of erythema (redness of the skin). This must be done regardless of the patient’s skin color. But for dark-skinned patients, this can be done by checking the temperature and firmness of the skin around the wound.

Also, test the patient’s skin texture and elasticity by pulling up a fold of skin around the wound. If the skin tends to stand up like the tent position after you release it, it is an indication of dehydration.

Temperature. Check the temperature of the skin around the wound. Increased coldness or warmth is an indication of infection or impaired circulation.

Proper chronic wound care and assessment

  • Check precise wound location
    • Measure the wound’s circumference and depth and classify wound depth as partial thickness or full thickness.
    • Inspect and record signs of redness, swelling, or any skin discoloration within the 4cm perimeter of the wound area. Doing so allows your wound care specialist to apply appropriate wound care and treatment to prevent the spread of infection.
    • Inspect and document wound discharge; color, amount, and odor. Make a note of the discharge like none, minimal, moderate, or heavy while clear and watery, watery with a hint of pale red, or bloody for the wound drainage. Include documentation of odor from absent, moderate, or strong.
    • Lastly, ask the patient to describe the level of pain based on the standard pain scale in your chronic wound care center.

Chronic wound treatment

  • Clean the wound with saline solution before changing the dressing. If dressing is stuck to the wound, moisten it with the saline solution.
  • Once the wound is clean, it is often followed by removing dead tissue (if necessary) using a scalpel or tweezers, or high-pressure water jet, or using species of maggots for this purpose
  • Make sure to use the dressing that is appropriate to the wound type, appearance, and exudate. Some may use dressings with growth factors to promote the production of healthy body cells
  • Compression bandages may be used as well if the reason for the chronic wound is due to poor blood circulation. Compression stockings or bandages will help healthy blood flow for faster healing.
  • The use of antibiotics for chronic wound care depends on the severity of the wound.
  • Other treatments include hyperbaric oxygen therapy, ultrasound and electromagnetic therapy, Vacuum Assisted therapy, and skin grafts.

With proper chronic wound assessment and treatment, this promotes faster healing while decreasing morbidity at the same time improve the overall quality of life.

Signs of Abnormal Wound Healing

What is Wound Healing?

Wound healing is the process of repairing and replacing damaged tissue with newly produced tissue. It goes through 4 different stages; hemostasis, clotting, proliferation, and maturation.

A wound heals depending on how big and deep the cut is. It may take several weeks or months for a wound to completely heal. But certain medical conditions and factors slow down the healing process or worst stops the healing process.

A wound that failed to follow the normal healing process within the 4 weeks before is considered a chronic wound. Chronic wounds are often associated with diabetes, age, lifestyle, or venous stasis disease.

A wound that shows abnormal signs of healing needs to be treated checked and treated by a wound care specialist to prevent health complications. If you see or notice any of these signs, you must see your health care provider immediately.

What to look for


  • Discomfort and pain are normal during the wound healing stage, but if pain increases over time, then most likely what you have is a chronic wound. Feeling some level of discomfort even after taking painkillers is a sign that your wound is not healing.

Bad Odor

  •  It is expected for wounds to emit certain odors during the healing process. However, if it is accompanied by foul smell possibly because of tissue degradation, your wound might need the expertise of a wound care specialist. If your foul-smelling wound is accompanied by discomfort and pain, then most likely you are experiencing abnormal healing.

Redness and Swelling

  • These are normal and expected at the wound site but should gradually diminish. If these signs continue to exhibit, you could have an infected wound.


  • A thick and yellowish wound discharge is indicative of abnormal wound healing. Non-healing wounds show swelling and drainage like pus. Swelling, pain, and thick discharge from the wound are indications of abnormal healing.

Darkening of the skin around the wound

  • A wound that has black skin around the edges means it is infected and needs to be removed to prevent a greater risk of infections.

When to see a doctor

See a doctor right away if you think you have a poor healing or non-healing wound. Do not wait for the signs to worsen or for the infection to spread as this can cause serious health complications.

Do not ignore poor healing wounds even if it is just a small cut especially if you have underlying health or medical condition.

Treatment and management for proper wound healing

Wound treatment is dependent on the severity of the wound. Your healthcare provider may recommend testing, oral or topical antibiotics, and other wound care regimen to address the issue.

Patients with diabetes or other chronic diseases must let their doctor know of their condition for proper treatment and management.

For severe and extreme cases of poor wound healing, a wound care specialist will recommend compression therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and other advanced wound care techniques to help heal the infection.

Healing complications may happen, but with proper treatment and management, your wound will eventually heal.

Signs of a Skin Infection, Types, and Treatments

Skin infection is a condition where fungi, viruses, bacteria, and parasites have invaded your skin and the tissues underneath. Any skin condition like a cut, bite, sting, puncture, or piercing can be potentially infected when germs get into your wound.

Although in most cases, an infected wound only happens on the skin surface and can be handled at home; there can be a skin infection that starts deeper in the wound and needs more medical attention.

Swelling, redness, and pain around the wound are normal, but these should go away a day or two after. But if these conditions persist, then you might be suffering from a skin infection.

So, what are some of the signs and indications of a skin infection?

  • If the redness and swelling spreads
  • If you see pus around the wound
  • If you smell or notice smelly fluid out of the wound
  • If you see yellowish crust on top of the wound
  • If you can see sores around the wound
  • If you feel excruciating pain after a few days
  • If swelling continues and gets worse after a few days
  • If you have a high fever
  • Blisters
  • Dark or discolored skin around the wound

There are different types of skin infections. These are classified into 4: bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic.

  • A bacterial infection usually begins small and then gradually increases in size and can be medicated with a topical or oral antibiotic. Examples of bacterial infections include boils, leprosy, cellulitis, and impetigo.
  • Viral infections are caused by a virus which ranges from mild to severe. Common types of viral infections are chickenpox, warts, hand, foot, and mouth disease, measles, and shingles.
  • Fungal infections commonly grow in damp areas of the body like feet and armpit. An infected wound due to fungi is not life-threatening but still needs to be treated. Different types of fungal infections are athlete’s foot, nail fungus, diaper rash, ringworm, yeast infection, and oral thrush.
  • A parasitic skin infection can spread to the bloodstream and even if non-life-threatening, this still needs to be addressed. Different types of parasitic infections include scabies, bedbugs, and lice.

An infected wound can be treated depending on the cause and severity. For bacterial infections, these are often treated by applying topical antibiotic directly on the wound, or with oral antibiotics.

For severe cases of strains resistant to treatment, an intravenous antibacterial may be necessary. OTC or Over-The-Counter sprays, ointments, powders, or creams are available for fungal infections, but if for conditions with no improvement; your doctor can prescribe oral or topical creams. The same goes for patristic wound skin infections.

Home care and wound management are recommended to reduce symptoms of an infected wound. However, if you notice one or more signs of skin infections, then you should see a doctor immediately.

Remember that swelling, redness, and pain are normal especially if your wound or cut is new, but it should go away in the next few days. But if the pain and swelling get worse a day or two after, then call your doctor or go to the hospital right away.

We specialize in diagnosis and treatment for any and all wound care issues for patients in San Diego County, Orange County, and Riverside County. For more information or to set an appointment, please contact us.

The Personal Approach a Wound Specialist Brings

A wound specialist is a professionally trained health care provider who cares and treats all types of wounds. Acute and chronic types of wounds are handled by wound care professionals. Complex and non-healing wounds are handled by wound specialists.

While doctors and primary care physicians are qualified to treat wounds, wound specialists have undergone a 3-year rigorous wound care program and qualifying exams to handle such a job.

They are the most competent, qualified, and fit for wound care, treatment, and management. They also have to continuously undergo a series of training, education credits, and certifications to keep up with the latest developments, techniques, and technology regarding wound care.

Types of wounds suited for wound specialists

Although wounds due to injury can be treated at home, serious or severe wounds need to be treated in the hospital. For wounds with signs of infection such as redness, swelling, bad smell, increased pain, or gives one fever, you should go to the doctor immediately.

However, certain types of wounds need special treatment and care from a wound specialist such as wounds due to traumatic injury, vascular ulcers, diabetic ulcers, and other wounds that are non-healing due to certain health conditions.

Benefits of having a wound specialist

Working with wound care specialists can aid in your speedy recovery and healing.  Unlike a regular primary care provider, wound specialists offer a personalized approach and treatment based on the patient’s wound type, medical condition and history, and preferences.  

Using the patient’s data wound care specialists will then develop a plan and program to help speed up the recovery and healing.

Since the would care management plan is individually designed based on your circumstances, you will be given the most appropriate technique, the kind of dressing you are most comfortable with, and the best therapy suitable to your condition. With these plans specifically planned for you, it will be easier for you to comply.

Wound care specialists also reduce the risk of wound infections. Improper wound care can lead to serious damages, especially for diabetic patients. Poorly treated infected foot ulcers can lead to foot or leg amputations.

With a knowledgeable and certified wound specialist, you are assured that your wound receives the essential and most effective care available. With a specialized wound care program, the approach is not just about treating the wound but also involves reducing the pain, discomfort, and circulation to promote better and faster recovery.

Also, wound care specialists give you access to the latest treatments and technologies which are not available in primary care facilities. For complex, hard to heal, and non-healing wounds, wound care specialists can use the vacuum-assisted wound closure to promote tissue growth, healing while reducing swelling.

Another method is the ultrasound treatment which increases circulation, reduces swelling and pain, and stimulates tissue growth. These are just two of the most advanced techniques to wound treatment that your wound specialist can administer based on your medical findings.

Certified wound care specialists will educate you and your family regarding the proper treatment and management of your wound. Most of all wound care specialists can help you make the best lifestyle choices, understanding your wound and its proper care to promote speedy healing.

We specialize in diagnosis and treatment for any and all wound care issues for patients in San Diego County, Orange County, and Riverside County. For more information or to set an appointment, please contact us.

The Four Things Your Wound Care Clinic Needs to Do Properly

The country has been fighting a silent battle against chronic wounds and it’s getting worse every year. In 2009 alone, more than $25 billion was spent on wound care in the United States and that number keeps on increasing. A wound care clinic plays a crucial role in keeping the statistic of chronic wounds low and it should be your first port of call whenever you suffer from any kind of wound.

With this in mind, you need to know these four things that your wound care clinic needs to do properly:

Its staff should be properly trained.

Effective wound care needs a special set of skills. This is why it’s very important for all members of a wound care clinic to be trained properly in this practice. A lot of clinics may claim that their staff is trained when only their ostomy nurses and doctors have received true residency.

Wounds should be properly assessed.

Proper wound healing begins with proper debridement and this can only be achieved when the wound is assessed thoroughly before any treatment could be done.

A wound care clinic needs to have a thorough assessment procedure for all patients for the healthcare team to determine the right debridement procedure and other treatment options for them.

Wound care should be customized.

There is no one-size-fits-all in wound care since each wound is different and so is the response of the patient to it. A good wound care clinic should know this, which is why each treatment plan has to be created according to the patient’s needs.

This is especially true for using wound care products where choices can be overwhelming and it’s critical to choose the right products and use them properly to promote successful wound healing and avoid complications. A customized treatment plan will not only help a patient get the best results but also reduce the costs of treatment significantly by making sure that only the most effective products are used.

A holistic approach should be implemented.

A lot of wound care clinics focus only on addressing the wound but not the entire healing process itself. So after assessing the wound, cleaning it, and prescribing medications, patients are usually left to care for their wound at home and not have any guidance as they go through the journey of wound healing.

But a good wound care clinic will not only offer the best treatments but also keep track of the patient’s healing rate so adjustments can be made depending on the progress of his treatment.

The bottomline

It’s been proven over the years that poor wound care translates to bigger costs and severe outcomes and complications for patients.

So if you’re suffering from a wound and you would want to get the best results from your treatment, it’s very important to find the right wound care clinic to offer you the best service possible.

We specialize in diagnosis and treatment for any and all wound care issues for patients in San Diego County, Orange County, and Riverside County. For more information or to set an appointment, please contact us.

On Wound Healing: Do Wounds Need Air to Heal?

Wounds are a part of life. Whether it’s a simple bruise or a huge cut, you will have to deal with a wound at some point, which is why it’s very important to know the foundations of wound healing.

One of the biggest questions that most people have is, “do wounds need air to heal?” Some people would advise that you need to “air out” a wound to help it heal while others say that a wound needs to be covered to prevent any infection. Let’s find out:

Does a wound need air to heal?

The belief that “airing out” a wound to help it heal probably comes from the idea that air can help a wound dry and eventually form a scab. But whether you air out a wound or not, it will still form a scab and later on, a scar because it’s all part of wound healing.

So contrary to popular belief, exposing a wound to air doesn’t necessarily help it heal faster. In fact, a wound needs moisture to aid in its wound healing process.

There is a concept called moist wound healing that aims to protect the wound’s natural moisture to help it heal.

What is moist wound healing?

Moist wound healing is essentially a treatment method that aims to promote a moist wound bed to aid with the healing of a wound. It is composed of two main components:

  • Avoid using disinfectants.

The use of disinfectants such as sodium hypochlorite, iodine, and hydrogen peroxide can kill cells and destroy the natural moisture of the wound. This is why these substances should never be applied over a wound to allow natural cells to live.

  • Keep the wound moist.

In 1962, Dr. George D. Winter wrote a paper entitled “Formation of the Scab and the Rate of Epithelialization of Superficial Wounds in the Skin of the Young Domestic Pig.” His research contradicted the longstanding belief that wound has to be aired out to form scabs so it helps faster. This prompted the beginning of the practice of moist wound healing in medicine. Moisture also helps cellular growth to speed up the formation of new tissues.

What is a wound exudate?

An exudate is the wound’s natural moisture that also serves as the vehicle for enzymes, hormones, and growth factors that all aid in wound healing. It also serves as the medium for the cells of the immune system to fight bacteria and other pathogens to help prevent infections.

The takeaway

So the answer is, wounds need moisture to heal, which is why it’s very important to seek the help of experts if you have a wound to make sure that you’re taking the right steps towards wound healing.

With a chronic wound being a huge problem in the country today, you can’t take any chances with beliefs that are not backed by research and scientific proof.

So if you suffer from any form of wound, make sure to seek consultation with a wound expert right away.

We specialize in diagnosis and treatment for any and all wound care issues for patients in San Diego County, Orange County, and Riverside County. For more information or to set an appointment, please contact us.