Chronic Wounds in the U.S. Today: Everything You Need to Know

When you think about a wound, you don’t usually see it as something as serious as hypertension, diabetes or cancer. But in reality, at least 6.7 million Americans live with chronic wounds and more than $25 billion is spent on chronic wound care each year.

Although chronic wounds are rarely seen in healthy individuals, those already with pre-existing conditions become more susceptible from being affected by them.

Unfortunately, there is a growing population of Americans suffering from diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and coronary diseases.

What is a Chronic Wound?

A chronic wound is essentially a type of wound that doesn’t follow the normal stages of wound healing. Wounds that don’t heal within three months are categorized as chronic and they would require the specialized treatment of a wound care clinic.

Chronic wounds are more prevalent in individuals with pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes and obesity that affects their body’s ability to heal wounds in a timely manner.

Although a chronic wound is overshadowed by more common diseases, a lot of people are suffering from it that experts call it the silent epidemic.

What makes Americans more Predisposed to Chronic Wounds?

A chronic wound is a problem around the world. In fact, about 2% of the world’s population is projected to suffer from a type of chronic wound at some point in their lives.

But Americans are becoming more susceptible to chronic wounds due to an aging population and an increasing rate of chronic medical conditions that contribute to the delay in wound healing, thus the need for a wound care clinic.

  • Cardiovascular disease. According to studies, at least 1 in 3 Americans suffer from a form of cardiovascular disease and it is also one of the most common predisposing factors for chronic wounds. In fact, 82% of leg amputations resulted because of poor circulation on the affected limb due to an existing cardiovascular condition.
  • Diabetes. At least 30.3 million Americans live with diabetes and 1 in 4 will experience a foot ulcer. Diabetes is still the leading cause of chronic wounds in the U.S. and 15% of patients with foot ulcers get amputated. Unfortunately, 50% of diabetic patients still die within 5 years after amputation.
  • Peripheral artery disease. 1 in 8 Americans over the age of 60 suffer from PAD, which contributes to at least 10% of all lower extremity ulcers that also causes delayed wound healing and increases the risk for limb loss.

What is the Role of a Wound Care Clinic?

With such staggering numbers, the need for a good wound care clinic in the United States has never been more important. In fact, wound care clinics and wound care specialists have a huge role to play in helping people save their limbs and their lives.

A wound care clinic could treat conditions like diabetic wounds, ulcers, swelling in the lower extremities, and pressure ulcers to give a better prognosis to patients who are already suffering from pre-existing medical conditions.

We specialize in diagnosis and treatment for any and all wound care issues for patients in San Diego County, Orange County, and Riverside County. For more information or to set an appointment, please contact us.