Is Your Wound Healing Going Smoothly, Or Is It Time to Visit the Specialist?

There are different signs that a wound is healing or not. If in case, your wound is not getting any better, it is best that you consult a wound healing specialist to handle the job.

Signs that your wound is not healing

  • A pus is draining from the wound – When you see a clear fluid coming out of the wound at the beginning of the healing process, it is considered normal. However, when you notice a thick discharge, particularly thick, yellowish liquid, then the wound must be infected.
  • Warmth or redness around the wound that is significantly spreading – When healing starts, wounds typically become swollen or slightly reddish. Poor healing is when the swelling and redness, accompanied by pain, are getting worse.
  • Foul odor – When a dead tissue is present, it will produce a strange or unpleasant smell indicating necrosis.
  • Increased feeling of pain – Some wounds get worse contrary to most wounds that can only remain painful at the beginning of healing. If you see a wound shows a lack of relief for many days, it only indicates a non-healing wound.
  • Fever is prolonged – A serious complication may have resulted from the wound if a fever reaches more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit, lasting over 4 hours.

Signs that your wound is healing

There wound may undergo several stages of healing. Thus, small cuts and scrapes would heal faster compared to larger wounds like burns, surgical wounds, and ulcers. You may want to look at the following signs that the wound is getting better.

Formation of scab

The three most common stages of wound healing involve bleeding, clotting, and scab formation. This involves cuts, punctures, and scrapes. If you notice that there is no signs of scab formation, you must seek medical attention immediately.

Initial swelling

When there is swelling, it means that your immune system is working to repair your wound. You may also notice that a clear fluid will come out from the wound, which aids in the cleaning and disinfection of the damaged skin.

Growth of new tissue

When the swelling subsides, new tissue will begin to form. When the new skin forms over the wound, it means that the wound is shrinking.

Formation of scar

The final stage of the healing process will be the formation of the scar. This may result from deeper cuts, scrapes, and burns. This time, the initial scab will be replaced by a scar, where you will notice a new skin will feel tougher and less elastic.

There are different wound types that may need different methods of treatment. If you notice that wound healingis so slow or reversing itself, then it indicates that the method used is improper.

Thus, it will require the use of certain wound care products. Knowing how to determine the positive and negative signs of wound healing is key to help ensure that your wounds are healing properly.

It is advisable that you employ proper medical attention when your wound would last more than a few days or so.

Wondering if your wound is healing right? Look into the different kinds of wounds we treat by clicking here, and see if we have the kind of services you need!