The Telltale Signs of Wound Infection and What You Can Do to Avoid It

We all get wounded at some point in our life. Whether it’s through a freak accident or due to an underlying health condition, having a wound can really take a toll on you because of the pain and hassle it can cause. Wound care is also considered one of the most expensive types of treatment, which adds to the burden of it all.



But just when you think things can’t get any worse, there is the risk for getting an infection, especially if your wound is not treated properly. Here are some of the most common signs of wound infection that you should watch out for and a few tips on how to avoid it:




Fever is one of the body’s first reactions to the presence of infection. While low-grade fever is common after surgery, having a fever of more than 101 degrees Fahrenheit may be an indication that you have wound infection. So, if you have a fever, make sure to consult your physician immediately to get proper treatments under way before your condition gets worse.



Persistent Pain


It is common to feel pain during the first few days from being injured, but it should subside as your wound heals. But if you continue to feel pain, especially if it increases in intensity, it could be one of the signs of wound infection.



Body Malaise

Malaise is a feeling of extra tiredness or sleepiness even after you’ve rested, and this could be a sign of a systemic wound infection. While you may generally feel weak for a couple of days after your injury or surgery, you should feel better day-by-day, especially with medication and rest. But if you suddenly feel very exhausted, you might want to have your wound checked by a doctor to see if it’s infected.



Foul Discharges


Most fresh wounds will have clear or slightly yellow-colored fluid drainage, but this should subside as the wound heals. In the case of an infected wound, however, fluid drainage becomes green or cloudy and has a foul smell, which should prompt the need for treatment so the proper dressings and medication will be applied to the wound to prevent further complications.



Tips on Avoiding Wound Infection


The good thing about wound infection is that it can be avoided completely by following these tips:



  • After incurring your wound, make sure to wash it with soap and water right away. Also, practice proper hand washing before handling your wound to avoid contamination.


  • Keep your wound clean and dry at all times by changing dressing daily and covering it with bandage or gauze dressing. You can also apply antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.


  • Adhere to your medication schedule and follow your doctor’s recommendations on the right food to eat, proper hydration and other things to help promote faster wound healing.




An infection is one of the worst complications that you can experience when you have a wound. But you can avoid it completely by following what your healthcare team says and by taking responsibility in keeping your wound clean, dry and properly covered at all times.




We specialize in diagnosis and treatment for any and all wound care issues for patients in San Diego County, Orange County and Riverside County. For more information or to set an appointment, please contact us.